Every year, the man-made fiber industry meets in Dornbirn, Austria. The 47th Man-Made Fibers
Congress took place Sept. 17-19, 2008. The event closed with a record attendance of more than 720
visitors from 40 countries. Experts from all around the world gathered to exchange information and
knowledge. This congress is known to be the first address for new developments in the entire
man-made fiber industry.
In the last 10 years, the congress moved away from being a high-ranking meeting of scientists
with papers, which most of the attending people didn’t understand. This has changed a lot over
recent years. The organizing body, the Austrian Man-Made Fibers Institute (www.dornbirn-mfc.com) is putting more emphasis on
practical topics.
Cradle-To-Grave Products
The main topics this year were new fiber developments, sportswear, safety technical textiles,
nonwovens and new research projects. However, the overwhelming subject was sustainability, with the
focus on cradle-to-grave products. What does that mean? It means that more than ever, future
products must be developed under a complete rethinking.
For example, man-made fibers have in most cases, compared to natural fibers, a favorable
environmental balance sheet. Also, the man-made fiber industry is facing the same problems as any
other industry. One thing is for sure, just to pass the buck to the next one in line is definitely
not the ultimate solution. However, everybody should be aware that these three issues — exploding
raw material prices, energy prices and climate change — are closely linked and interact with one
Obviously, the time in which relatively inexpensive natural resources are available is over.
The need for raw materials on the part of the high-growth economies of China and India is in
contrast to a raw material supply industry that has been stagnating for decades.
The price of energy has become more volatile than ever in the last 12 months. In spite of the
day-to-day fluctuations between $100 and $140 per barrel for oil, it is more important to know that
this oil price rose from the “traditional” $10 to $20 dollars a barrel up to, let’s say, $100.
It was amazing to see that the man-made fiber industry worries about climate change too. I
don’t care what the reasons are, as long as we all care about it. It can be even emotional, just
like Al Gore’s film “An Inconvenient Truth.” It is so emotional because climate change directly and
personally affects each and every one of us.
Interacting Factors
US economist and United Nations advisor Jeffrey A. Sachs describes in his book, “Common
Wealth – Economics for a Crowded Planet,” the interaction of factors such as population growth,
climate and environmental protection, and poverty in various regions of the world.
What does this mean for the companies? Just like for any country, economic success, social
acceptance and political stability are intimately linked to the sustainable economic management of
a company. The debate about climate change has led all big companies to reconsider their policies.
Today, most of the industries know the term “carbon footprint.” Companies that already have
experience with the issue of sustainability have a competitive edge. They work with one of the most
promising issues of the future for the textile industry: recycling.
Don’t Waste Your Waste
Many lecturers in Dornbirn said they are forced to significantly increase the share of
recycled raw materials in the manufacturing process, particularly oil-based polymers. In many parts
of Europe, other industry sectors are working very successfully with recycled material — paper and
glass, for example. The overall share for recycled paper is Europe is 55 percent and for glass 62,
percent. Switzerland is recycling 99 percent of its used glass, and even in this so-called “
expensive” country, the glass industry is very successful. Examples in the man-made fiber industry
include the recycling of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottles into fiber. But it is not only
the raw material; it’s also less energy consumption and less air pollution. Again, to be “green”
pays off.
Ultimately, the awareness of consumers will play a decisive role. An increasing number of
companies are already reacting to the growing demand for eco-labels. And to survive as a company in
the ever-so-competitive world is also an act of sustainability.
Any comment is always welcome at
September 23, 2008