Hohenstein Institute Establishes Function And Care Department

The Hohenstein Institute — a Germany-based textile research and testing laboratory with locations
worldwide — has combined its Clothing Physiology and Textile Services & Innovations segments
into the Function and Care department. The new department will be responsible for activities
including measuring the physiological comfort of textile materials and manufactured articles;
conducting testing and certification of personal protective equipment; textile leasing; textile
finishing; color measuring; and activities related to functional innovative textiles and commercial
laundries. The department also will offer comprehensive services to Gütegemeinschaft sachgemässe
Wäschepflege e.V. (Quality Association for Proper Laundry Care) members, and practical seminars to
laundries and textile service providers.

Dr. Andreas Schmidt will manage the Function and Care department, and Dr. Jan Beringer will
serve as scientific manager. Dr. Karl-Heinz Umbach will retire from his role as director of the
Clothing Physiology department, but will continue to serve as an advisor to the Hohenstein

October 27, 2009