Finland-based high-performance fiber
manufacturer Ahlstrom Corp. will invest 38 million euros to build a glass-fiber-tissue production
facility in Russia.
“In recent years, we have been able to strengthen our global market position as a specialty
glass-fiber-tissue supplier, especially for the building- and composite-materials industries,” said
Jukka Moisio, president and CEO. “The building materials market in Russia is growing rapidly. To
further support the growth of our customers, we have now decided to invest in Russia.”
Operating under Ahlstrom’s Glass Nonwovens business unit of its FiberComposites division,
the new plant will be located approximately 120 kilometers northwest of Moscow. In its initial
phase, it will focus on specialty glass-fiber-tissue production using a new, state-of-the-art
production line. While it will serve primarily local markets, according to Tommi Björnman, senior
vice president, Glass Nonwovens, the plant also will accommodate other European and emerging
markets. It also will allow the company to ramp up its innovation program and support its
production base in Karhula, Finland.
The plant is expected to begin operation during the last quarter of 2007, ultimately
employing approximately 70 people. In later phases, the facility also will accomodate expansion of
other Ahlstrom businesses in Russia.
May 2, 2005