James W. Chesnutt, Vice Chairman of the National Council of Textile Organizations (NCTO), issued
the following statement on yesterday’s election results:
“On behalf of the U.S. textile industry, I would like to congratulate President Bush on his
hard-fought victory, and we look forward to continuing to work with him and his Administration
during the next term. I also want to congratulate Senator Kerry for his strong effort.
“We would also like to congratulate Senators-Elect Richard Burr, Jim DeMint and Johnny
Isaakson, Reps.-Elect Patrick McHenry and Virginia Foxx of North Carolina, Bob Inglis of South
Carolina, and John Barrow of Georgia, as well as all the other senators and representatives from
textile and fiber producing states that were elected or re-elected.
“Our industry looks forward to working with the Administration and our supporters in Congress
during these challenging times. As the textile and apparel quota phase-out approaches, unfair trade
practices by China threaten millions of jobs around the world and hundreds of thousands of textile
and apparel jobs in the United States. Textile industry petitions calling for safeguard actions
against China are today being supported by almost one hundred textile and apparel trade groups from
around the globe. The textile industry appreciates the President’s recent strong statement citing
textiles as a specific area that China must either play fair or face the consequences. And our
industry is encouraged that the Administration has so far accepted six of our China textile
safeguard petitions for review. We are also grateful for the strong support from our allies on the
Hill as well as the support from new alliances we have forged around the world. This industry will
continue to work diligently with the Administration to ensure that fair trade prevails in textiles
and apparel and that China is not allowed to dominate this important sector of the U.S. economy. ”
Press Release Courtesy of the NCTO
November 2004