Vancouver-based denim and lifestyle apparel brand Duer has launched a performance flannel button-down shirt made using a graphene nanofiber. The graphene fights static, keeps the fabric fresh, is cooling when hot, and confers warmth without weight.
Geneva-based testing, inspection and certification company SGS has unveiled a comprehensive suite of per-and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) testing services.
Q-Lab, Westlake, Ohio, has launchead a redesigned website. Located at Q-Lab.com, the site offers new tools and resources to visitors to simplify searches, among other improvements.
Switzerland-based Heberlein Technology and Indonesia-based Busana Apparel Group have both joined the Zurich-based International Textile Manufacturers Federation (ITMF)
as a corporate members.
Germany-based Monforts recently celebrated its 140th anniversary under the motto “140 Years of Performance, Innovation and Partners.”
Forbo Flooring Systems has introduced the first collection in its Evolve+ series, Tessera Topology, which features Thrive® matter low-carbon-foot-print yarn from Bristol,Va.-based Universal Fibers®.
Italy-based Thermore has introduced Invisiloft®, a slim insulation product that offers high warmth with minimal thickness.
Spartanburg, S.C.-based Polartec, a Milliken & Company brand, won the 2024 R&D 100 Award in Mechanical/Materials for its Power Shield™ Pro fabric.
2024 Quarterly Volume IV