BÖNNIGHEIM, Germany — November 5, 2019 — The Ninth European Conference on Protective Clothing (ECPC), will be hosted in Stuttgart from 18 to 20 May 2020 by testing service provider and research partner Hohenstein. The ECPC conference is a platform to exchange and discuss research and project development for personal protective equipment (PPE). It aims to foster cooperation and networkingbetween science and industry and end user. Hohenstein invites researchers, designers, manufacturers, other health & safety experts and end user to take a joint, scientific look at the PPE market. Subjects include intelligent systems, new technologies, materials and test methods, requirements and standardisation, and the ergonomics and compatibility of PPE systems.
Call for Abstracts
ECPC offers the opportunity to present developments to the international audience in an abstract. The submission deadline is January 15, 2020.
Conference sponsors can present their brand, products and developments to a professional audience:
Anyone registering by December 12, 2019 will receivean early booking discount. Further information on conditions and accommodation can be found on the Hohenstein website:
Posted November 6, 2019
Source: Hohenstein