US DOL Releases TAA Funds To 15 States

The US Department of Labor (DOL) has released $44.1 million held in reserve under
the Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) program to help states provide training and other assistance
to workers whose jobs have been eliminated as a result of foreign competition.

“This $44 million targeted to 15 states will help workers access skills training,
job search assistance and relocation services to build new careers in high growth industry
sectors,” said Secretary of Labor Elaine L. Chao.

The funds, part of a total fiscal year (FY) 2007 allocation of some $220 million for
TAA assistance nationwide, were held in reserve to be distributed at the end of the year among
states that have had the highest TAA-related costs. Among those states qualifying for reserve funds
in 2007 are North Carolina, South Carolina and Massachusetts, which together received nearly $9.5
million.  All three states experienced significant textile and apparel manufacturing workforce
declines, with 13,567 employees out of a total of 22,402 in all sectors certified to receive TAA
assistance in FY 2007. Nationwide, 25,904 out of a total of 146,611 qualified workers came from the
textile and apparel sectors.

In addition to the 2007 reserve allocation to targeted states, the DOL has released
75 percent of the allocation for all states for FY 2008, which began October 1.

November/December 2007