Karl Mayer Unveils Compact Size

Karl Mayer Textilmaschinenfabrik GmbH, Germany, reports its Compact Size machine economically
processes short warps while offering performance comparable to that provided by conventional sizing
machinery. Compact Size joins the Gir-O-Matic sample warping machine as part of Karl Mayer’s
warp-preparation solution for flexible, efficient production of short warps.

The machine features a take-off device, sizing system and beaming machine at floor level; and
an infrared (IR) air dryer, cylinder dryer and vertical sub-drying zone above. Capacity is 15
meters with the drying machine and 6 meters without it. Processing requires less sizing agent, and
stop marks and waste yarn are reduced.

Sizing may be applied to the warp yarn via either hot or cold size method, with separate
units available for each system.

Drying is optimized by combined air/IR drying and use of the contact cylinder dryers of the
residual dryer. A 240-kilowatt gas heater offers drying performance of 40 to 50 percent at
60-meters-per-minute processing speed. The system cools down quickly after it is turned off.

The residual dryer comprises a cylinder drying system, and each cylinder has its own motor
drive system. A steam jet pump is used to recirculate the cylinder steam, providing uniform
temperatures, constant temperature control and minimal cylinder condensate.

March/April 2011