SK Textile, Standard Textile Team To Open Las Vegas Production Plant

Vernon, Calif.-based SK Textile — a custom fabricator of drapery, bedding and accessories serving
the hospitality market — has partnered with Cincinnati-based Standard Textile Co. Inc. — a
vertically integrated provider of total textile solutions for healthcare, hospitality, industrial
laundry and decorative products markets — to open a new manufacturing facility in Las Vegas.

The facility, which opened October 17, will enable SK Textile to better serve its Las Vegas
customer base, which includes local hotels, purchasing companies, and designers providing
customized hospitality interior solutions. In addition, the partnership enables SK Textile to make
use of Standard Textile’s global infrastructure and provides for future growth.

“We are experiencing a very exciting period of growth and expansion in Las Vegas,” said Kim
Heiman, president, SK Textile. “The manufacturing facility in Las Vegas will help SK Textile meet
market demand and establishes a presence near our customers.”

The facility will house cut-and-sew operations, warehousing, distribution, and a design
library/workroom space. Heiman said capacity will depend on both demand as well as the custom
products the company is making, and noted the company will increase capacity to meet demand.

October 30, 2012