TOKYO, Japan — September 14, 2010 — Teijin Limited announced today that it has been named,
following last year, to the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index (DJSI World), a global indicator
for Social Responsible Investment (SRI).
The new DJSI World list will be made effective on September 20, 2010. Of the 318 companies
selected this year, 36 are Japanese. Among the nine companies from the chemical sector, Teijin is
the only one from Japan.
The DJSI World, which was jointly developed by Dow Jones and Swiss-based SAM Group in 1999,
is the most important sustainability index and represents the top 10 percent of the largest 2,500
companies in each industry included in the Dow Jones Global Index. The index assesses the economic,
environmental and social performance of those companies every year to identify those that exemplify
leadership in sustainability.
Teijin has also been named to Dow Jones Sustainability Asia Pacific Index, also following
last year, and is being included in other international SRI indexes such as the FTSE4Good Index and
the Ethibel Sustainability Index.
Giichi Morita, CSRO (Chief Social Responsibility Officer) and Senior Executive Officer of
Teijin Limited said: “It is an honor to be named again to the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index.
The Teijin Group has a strong commitment to green products and the environment, and we will
continue efforts to evolve as an organization that meets high expectations for social and
environmental responsibility.”
About the Teijin Group
Based in Tokyo and Osaka, Japan, Teijin is a global technology-driven group operating in six
main fields: high-performance fibers (aramid fibers and carbon fibers); polyester fibers; films and
plastics; pharmaceuticals and home health care; trading and retail; and IT and new products. Teijin
Limited, the holding company for the Teijin Group, is listed on the Tokyo and Osaka stock
exchanges. The group had consolidated sales of USD 8.5 billion (JPY 765.8 billion, USD 1=JPY 90) in
fiscal 2009 and employs 18,778 people worldwide, with 156 companies around the world. Please visit
Posted on September 14, 2010
Press Release Courtesy of Teijin Group