Glen Raven, N.C.-based technical fabrics manufacturer Glen Raven Inc.’s Anderson, S.C.,
manufacturing center has received Wildlife and Industry Together (WAIT) certification from the S.C.
Wildlife Federation, a nonprofit organization that sponsors WAIT to encourage businesses to protect
natural areas near plant locations while promoting employee and community wildlife education.
Glen Raven developed an ongoing habitat plan for its 1 million-square-foot Anderson facility,
which sits on a 180-acre site including 130 acres of undeveloped land. The habitat features
wildlife nesting and feeding areas and a Fence Garden — built by a local elementary school with
assistance from the plant — near the facility’s entrance. The plant is the main manufacturing
center for the company’s Sunbrella® performance fabrics.
“WAIT certification requires a long-range habitat plan of three to five years,” said Rodney
Jones, technical finishing section leader and task group chair, Glen Raven. “Our long-term plan
includes labeling of plants and trees around the plant and construction of a nature trail. We also
envision creating an orchard that will provide a food source for wildlife.”
“We have eliminated all waste going to landfills from our plant, and we have achieved
certification under the internationally recognized environmental standard ISO:14001,” said Tracey
Sanders, quality engineer at the Anderson plant and a task force member. “All of these programs
have required the commitment and the involvement of everyone who works at Anderson plant. We view
environmental protection as an essential element of our work.”
April 6, 2010