Idalica Presents E2E Apparel Software Solution

Tustin, Calif.-based Idalica — a provider of enterprise resource planning and customer
relationship management business software solutions — has announced the launch of its End to End
(E2E) customizable apparel software that combines financial, customer relationship and supply chain
management into one solution to improve the efficacy of businesses operations. Functions of
Idalica’s E2E business package include an integrated account system; apparel order and product
creation; the ability to link orders to inventory, and with the general ledger and reporting; and
electronic communication for global integration.

Idalica will launch its E2E solution at Technology Solutions, the semi-annual information
technology (IT) exposition and conference for the sewn products industry, to be held September
30-October 2 alongside Material World at the California Market Center in Los Angeles.

September 29, 2009