Johnson Named Interim President Of ATMI

Johnson Named Interim President of ATMICass Johnson, a highly regarded international trade expert,
has been named interim president of the American Textile Manufacturers Institute (ATMI), replacing
Parks Shackelford who resigned to take a position with a sugar manufacturer. Johnson joined ATMI in
1991 as assistant director of international trade. He was promoted to senior vice president in
March of 2003. Johnson has traveled throughout the world as an adviser to the US government during
international trade negotiations and has worked closely on the industrys behalf with government
trade authorities in Washington.At the same time, ATMI promoted Robert Dupree to vice president,
governmental affairs, and Patty Adair to vice president, textile product services and standards.
Johnsons interim appointment is a reflection of ATMIs uncertain future, which could include a
merger with one or more other textile trade associations. ATMI Chairman Willis C. Moore III, vice
president for governmental and investor relations for Unifi, Inc., told Textile World that ATMI is
looking at all options with respect to staffing and other considerations. He emphasized that the
primary goal is to help the textile industry speak with a united voice in Washington.By James A.
Morrissey, Washington Correspondent
September 2003