EAST SUSSEX, United Kingdom — March 27, 2013 — Reflecting the coverage of our monthly consulting
services, our conference will feature papers on a number of fibres including those in acrylics,
carbon, nylon, polyester, polypropylene, spandex and viscose as well as the raw materials for
these. There will also be coverage of wool from a leading industry expert and of cotton from
the PCI Group’s own specialist, as well as a strategic view from one of Hong Kong’s leading
commentators. In addition, this year we have two new items in the programme. There is a
panel discussion on feedstock supply and also a workshop on the fibres and textiles supplies being
generated in China.
Speakers and papers
Fibres review
Peter Driscoll
PCI Consulting Group
The technical yarn market
D Pulikeshi
The new century consumer market
Allan Wang
Australian Wool Innovation
The cellulosic gap: viscose staple in Asia
Economics and strategic review
Paul Krake
View from the Peak
Nylon fibres: global segment opportunities
David Hart
Opus Business Consultants
New developments for carbon fibre in automotives
Scott Carlton
SGL Carbon
Australian wool from commodity to luxury
Allan Wang
Australian Wool Innovation
Polyester staple markets in the Americas
Mark Ruday
DAK Americas
Consequences of China’s cotton policy on manmade fibres
Bruna Angel, PCI Fibres
The imbalance between paraxylene and PTA
Steve Jenkins
PCI Consulting Group
The prospects for caprolactam
Crystal Chiang
PCI Consulting Group
Issues of MEG supply
Doug Rightler
PCI Consulting Group
Panel discussion
The supply chain from feedstock to fibre
Douglas Hsu (Far Eastern), Richard Brice and Robin McDonald (PCI Consulting Group)
Resolving the surplus in fibres capacity
Bruna Angel, Richard Brice, Alasdair Carmichael, Janice Chen, Peter Driscoll, Carlos
Gonzalez, David Hart
PCI Consulting Group
Further details, including speakers’ biographies and conference leaflet, are available from
us direct on sdeacon@pcifibres.com and jbrooks@pcifibres.com .
Posted on April 2, 2013
Source: PCI Fibres