Green Theme Technologies (GTT) Breaks New Ground, Adds Stain Protection To Its Growing Empel® PFC-Free Water Repellent Textile Treatment Offering

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — November 10, 2021 — Green Theme Technologies Inc., a global supplier of innovative and sustainable textile finishing, announced that new third-party testing shows the brand’s EMPEL platform provides robust stain release and creates a protective PFC-free treatment that outperforms other currently available options.

GTT launched the EMPEL platform in 2018 with the goal of eliminating toxic perflurocarbons (PFCs)  from textile processing. In addition to being highly sustainable, EMPEL delivers the highest water repellency and longest lasting protection available.

The EMPEL Stain Release product encapsulates each fiber inside a yarn with a molecular protective polymer, which creates a barrier preventing stains from sticking to fabrics.

According to GTT VP Martin Flora, “The purpose of the EMPEL stain release is to extend the usable life cycle of any fabric treated with EMPEL, to reduce the amount of energy needed to launder fabrics, and to protect the fabric from common deep penetrating stains that typically ruin the appearance of furniture, upholstery and apparel.”

Tested by OEKO-TEX, the chemistry is certified safe and PFC-free. From outdoor furniture to children’s products such car seats and strollers, GTT’s stain protection has numerous applications across industries and around the globe.

The six-month trials conducted in the GTT lab in Albuquerque will move EMPEL forward as an extremely viable option for mills to apply stain and oil protection to many types of fabrics. The goal is to protect fabrics for easier cleaning at lower temperatures. Stains, such as ketchup, red wine, salad dressing, suntan oil, and motor oil, were applied on poly and acrylic fabrics commonly used in upholstery and outdoor furniture. Researchers let the stain sit for 24 hours, then brushed off the residue. The sample was then placed in a test washing machine and run for a single cycle in cold water. The results are rated using the ASTM standard.

Empel stain release is currently undergoing trials with select furniture brands.

Posted November 10, 2021

Source: Green Theme Technologies Inc.