LUDWIGSHAFEN, Germany — October 31, 2016 — As a consequence of the fire incident at the North Harbour at BASF SE in Ludwigshafen October 17, 2016, BASF has to declare Force Majeure on deliveries of dispersions, dispersion powders and hotmelts on acrylic monomer basis — Acronal®, acResin®, Acrodur®, ACROSOL® E 20 D, AQAGloss®, Basonal®, Col.9®, Epotal® and Luhydran® — from BASF’s sites in Ludwigshafen and Tarragona until further notice.
While the plants for the above mentioned products are not affected by the incident, impacts on logistics as well as raw materials are given. Because of the fire, the raw material supply of the steam crackers was halted; also other Verbund plants were idled or production reduced. Many plants, such as one of the steam crackers, have resumed operations in the meantime.
As of today product inventories are nearly exhausted and the production output is restricted due to still limited access to key raw materials. Under the current circumstances a delivery via barge, rail or tank car is also limited.
BASF currently is unable to specify how long this situation will last. Meanwhile, BASF is implementing measures to limit the consequences for its customers and will continuously inform them about the development and the details regarding the supply capability with the affected products.
Posted October 31, 2016
Source: BASF