INDA Releases 2012 Harmonized Test Methods

CARY, N.C. — October 19, 2012 — INDA, the leading Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, in
conjunction with EDANA, has released the 2012 edition of the Harmonized Test Methods.

This latest edition contains the most complete collection of nonwoven test methods ever
developed for the global nonwovens industry and updates the Harmonized Test Methods last published
by INDA and EDANA in 2009.

The 2012 Harmonized Test Methods includes new methods in filtration, hygiene, absorption,
retention and physical characteristics. The edition also provides expanded information in several
testing areas, including permeability, stiffness and superabsorbent materials.

“We think the global nonwovens industry will find this edition the most useful and
easy-to-use manual we have ever issued,” says INDA Director of Technical Affairs/Statistics Steve
Ogle. “It is in a user-friendly, interactive format. By simply clicking on the test method name in
the table of contents, users will be sent directly to the page that starts with this method.”

In addition to including the most updated test methods in use by the nonwovens industry
worldwide, the 2012 edition of the Harmonized Test Methods also features a new intuitive number
system developed by the World Strategic Partners (WSP), which indicates it has been reviewed and
approved by both INDA and EDANA.

In the WSP system, the four or five digits after the WSP (070.10) refer to the procedure
number and the capital “R” and the following number refer to the number of times this method has
been released, Ogle explains. For example an R1 would indicate this is the first time this method
has been released. In addition, the number in parentheses indicates the year of release.

For more information on the 2012 edition of the Harmonized Test Methods or to purchase,
contact Regina Spitzer, INDA, (919) 233-1210 ext. 128,;

Posted on October 23, 2012

Source: INDA