In advance of ITMA, Tritex International is launching two new machine models directed at the
knitted clothing industry and supplement Tritexs growing range of specialty machines for products
as diverse as wire, pot scourers, meat wraps, hats, scarves and neck ties.Model SM13 is a fully
electronic, dedicated sampling machine designed and engineered to support knitters, R and D
facilities, assist fashion designers and provide an economic sampling service for large-diameter
jersey fabric machine knitters, the company says.The Model SM13 has a 13-inch diameter and is fully
computerized with six knitting feeders each equipped with four color striping units. Each of the
six feeders can be eliminated via the knitting program, down to a single feed.Tritex has also
introduced the TX401, a 24-inch diameter machine with eight feeds for rugby jerseys. These can be
blanked out individually and the machine can operate down to single feed.Tritex has enjoyed
considerable success in the rugby jersey area with its revolving cambox model Tiger 2000. European
legislation regarding revolving cambox machines has prompted the company to offer the TX401 as a
February 1999