BRADFORD, England — October 26, 2023 — The Society of Dyers and Colourists (SDC) will host its first ‘UK Coloration and Finishing conference’ next week in collaboration with event sponsor, the Worshipful Company of Dyers.
Taking place on 2 November 2023, unites UK-based companies involved in coloration — either through dyeing, printing, or finishing — to engage in a series of lectures and panel discussions with industry experts from companies such as Pincroft Dyeing and Printing Company, Heathcoat Fabrics Ltd, A W Hainsworth and Camira. Guest charity, The Fashion and Textile Children’s Trust will also be in attendance.
With support from Her Royal Highness, The Princess Royal, the conference will help attendees navigate challenges including upcoming legislation and technological developments.

Commenting on the upcoming event, Andrew Filarowski, technical director at the SDC said: “The textile coloration industry is a major contributor to the UK economy, with many of the sector’s leading lights operating across the country, up in Northern Scotland right down to the south coast of Devon. It’s essential that we come together to discuss how those operating in the UK can reach the target net zero.”
During the afternoon, lectures and panel discussions will discuss current and upcoming legislation relating to chemical discharge, the aims of net zero, and the efficient monitoring and improvement in energy use as well as technology developments. Panellists are also set to discuss the ever-growing need for the young, trained workforce that is required throughout the textile supply chain.
Andrew continued: “With Patrick Grant, an advocate of UK manufacturing, as a keynote speaker, the response from the industry has been overwhelming, highlighting not only how vibrant the sector is, but how hungry professionals are to improve the future of textiles and grow an already successful industry.”
Posted: October 26, 2023
Source: The Society of Dyers and Colourists (SDC)