Jakob Müller Institute Celebrates Graduation

Students from Germany, India and Turkey recently completed the Certified Professional in Narrow
Fabrics course at the Jakob Müller Institute of Narrow Fabrics, Germany. Held twice yearly, the
nine-week training course was launched in February 2002.

Left to right: Christian Kuoni, CEO, Jakob Muller Holding AG; Rashid-Ahmad Allaudin Sayyad,
India; Nuri Tuncel, Turkey; Peter Steuernagel, Germany; Pramod Hadu Powar, India; and Dr. Roland
Seidl, head of the Jakob Muller Institute of Narrow Fabrics.

The first three weeks of the course are dedicated to basic textile know-how topics. Next,
students select knitting, label weaving or needled narrow fabrics on which to concentrate their
studies. Finally, finishing techniques are taught. To graduate successfully and receive the
certificate woven on a Müller machine students must pass three days of practical and theoretical

March 2003