Joan Velvets Adopts AF And Y39 S Marquesa Plush

Joan Velvets AdoptsAF and Y’s Marquesa PlushJoan Velvets, Hickory, N.C., has adopted Marquesa Plush
olefin yarn from Chapel Hill, N.C.-based American FibersandYarns (AF and Y) for use in a new line
of velvet fabrics for transportation and commercial furniture applications. The new fabrics were
shown on furniture manufactured by a number of Joan Velvets customers at the 2003 International
Furnishings Market in High Point, N.C.The Marquesa Plush yarn matched Joan Velvets requested
specifications for unrivaled softness, aesthetics, color and design for this new yarn made for the
residential furnishings market segment, said Michael Apperson, CEO, AF and Y. Weve always known
about the excellent performance and durability properties of olefins. Now to find it with
acrylic-like aesthetics is such an added bonus, said Robb Tomlin, vice president, merchandising,
Joan Velvets. In addition, he said, Marquesa Plush is very easy to clean and resists staining.
June 2003